Raising Up Leaders
Just as in the Word, we look for Timothy's and Titus that can look after the sheep once they are firm in their faith.

Firm Foundations
We partner alongside a program equivalent to a bible degree in theology to train up leaders in the Word for them to have a fuller understanding of the Word and be able to teach it to others.

Our aim is to make disciples who make more disciples! We do this by walking daily in life with those who feel called to serve the ministries. We weekly train them in the Word, challenge them to share the Gospel, and look after the sheep in our home villages. We hold them accountable to the Word and their actions.

Current Leaders:
San Chey Village - Pastor Chhinn
Popel Village - Bong Vanna & Pou Mao
Floating Village - Dta Vee
Please pray for these leaders and their families as they are being trained up to take over the house plants and shepherd the flock! Pray for them to have a means of income in order for them to serve full time as the Lord leads.