Meet The Liberian Team
Crossroad Baptist Church of Gwekpolsoue Lower Margibi County, Liberia
Pastor Morris and Rose Kemie
I first attended the Catholic church as a child, but when I left my parents’ house in 1997, I no longer went to church until 2004. At that time, one of my friends named Matthew invited me to visit him at his church which was New Life Baptist Fellowship in New Kru Town, Bushrod Island, Monrovia, Liberia. From that time I began to worship with them; It was there I came to know Christ as my Lord and personal Savior in 2005. At that time I was living in New Kru Town. By 2010, I moved in Bernard farm and joined he New Testament Baptist Church, and later I was baptized in 2010 and became full member of the New Testament Baptist Church. While I was in the church serving the Lord faithfully and because of my commitment to the church, the church elected me as one of the deacons. While serving the Lord with commitment, I felt the call of God upon my life and I shared it with my Pastor Jesse W. Quapourlee, and he encouraged me to attend the Bible College. He was able to sponsor me in the Bible college from 2011 until I graduated from the Jake Memorial Baptist in 2015. While in the Bible College, the church selected me to work with the late Pastor Sam N. Quapourlee, may his soul rest in peace, in 2012 to start a church in Gwekpolosue, Margibi County, Liberia. And we started the church which is now called ‘Crossroad Baptist Church. After one year of starting the church, Pastor Sam N. Quapourlee passed away and the work was left with me to carry on. But before he died, the town people gave us a land, and we started to build the church building. Now, with the help of the late Rev. Jesse W. Quapourlee, we were able to roof and zinc the building. We want to give God thanks for him.
In addition to starting the church, we have also started a Christian Primary School open to the public.
*To pay off the land that church resides at
*To put the window glasses to the windows,
*To paint the church building.
* To purchase school/teaching materials and help pay teacher salaries.
Therefore we are kindly asking you to pray along with us that God can bless us with these things that we can be able to complete the church building.
St. John Rive Baptist Church in Grand Bassa
Pastor Johnathon and Nah Wymah
I am very grateful that Lord Jesus saved and called me into His gospel ministry. I was born unto the union of Mr. & Mrs. Wymah Paah on July 18, 1958. I grew up in an unchristian home where my Dad and his wives were bought in satanic worship. I therefore copied from their bad examples and practiced all their traditional beliefs. In my youthful age, I got married to 3 wives and was very hostile against them. They were slaves to me, because I beat on them anytime I got mad at them for no substantial reasons. I further planted and owned a large Sugarcane farm and buy 4 steel-mails for the production of liquor from juices of the sugarcane. Lots of people came to work on the Sugarcane plantation, and I gave them plenty of liquor to drink as labor costs. Many times, many of workers got drunk and slept on the ground in the farm. That was my empty life for years until I met Christ Jesus on July 23, 1975 through the preaching of Rev. David Karr. From his preaching in my village, I realized that I was totally spiritually empty, lost, and doom for hell fire. I kneeled down and cried for my terrible sins, repented, and called upon Christ to save my soul. From that evening until now, the guilt of my sins are all gone, and I am enjoying a peaceful life in the midst of troubles and trials as I serve my living Savior. I got saved and baptized on November 12, 1977. I prayerfully relinquished 2 of the 3 women, thus being left with my first wedded wife, Nyorgoe F. Wymah. Afterward the Lord blessed our marriage with 10 children. Two of the children have died and 8 are still alive.
After I felt the call of God upon my life to preach the gospel, I enrolled at the Doreata Bible Institute of Duiataa, Bong County in 1999 and graduated in March 2006. Before and after my graduation, the Lord has used me to preach the gospel and established few churches in Liberia: Keleen Town Repentance Baptist Church, Koyeah Baptist Church, Vooi Baptist Church, and now St. John Salvation Baptist Church of St. John River Town, under the direct supervision of the New Testament Baptist Church/mission.
*We are praying for the Lord’s provision of $3500.00 to construct the church building on it.
*We are continually praying for monthly support $80.00 through the New Testament Baptist Church. It is not regular sometime because of the economic challenges in Liberia. We will be glad it is regularized by the assistance of some God-loving individuals, churches, or organizations.
*We are praying for the Lord’s provision of a motorbike to enhance my travels to the nearby communities for the preaching of the essential gospel. A new motorbike is cost $1000.00 in the Monrovia area. That amount includes the helmet, tools, and registration.
We are praying for the Lord’s provision of funds to establish an agricultural farm for the sustenance of our ministries in Liberia.
Zwredru Baptist Church
Pastor Wanica & Musu Roberts
I got saved at a youthful age in a Sunday school class taught by a missionary in Yila Bong County. I lived and schooled by my disable parent till their death in 1981 and 1990 respectively. During my school years and right after the Liberian civil war, I worked as business man and security with the European Union. In 1997, while serving as deacon in Second Calvary Baptist Church, I was dropped from the job because of then my engagement with the church. Then my family and I went down to zero, without job, and even daily food. During this period of two years, I got a call from the Lord to be a church planting Missionary, and then He directed me in the south East of Liberia. From there I decided to go to Bible College instead of business. I entered the Jake Memorial Baptist College in 1999 and graduated in 2003, and served the Second Calvary Baptist Church of Logan Town as Deacon and later as Assistant Pastor till 2009, when the Lord motivated us to take our assignment in Zwedru, Grand Gedeh County in 2010. Presently, we have planted a church with two-house fellowship and three preaching points.
My family is propagating the gospel in the interior of Liberia with little support; therefore we a praying daily for the Lord’s provision of funds to adequately support our ministry works for the Lord.
Grace Baptist Church of Bong Mine, Lower Bong County,Liberia
Pastor Cooper and Marie Weh
I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and personal Savior in 1986 by the help of Mother Rachel Cooper who was then serving as the Children's Sunday school teacher at the Berean Baptist Church of Yila. And I later got baptized by Rev. Emmanuel Kollie, pastor of Berean Baptist Church on February 7, 2001. After my baptism, I was prayerfully discipled by Rev. Kollie who further encouraged me to enter the Yila Mid-Baptist Bible Institute to study God’s Word. I entered the Bible Institute in 1989 and graduated 2006 with a ‘Diploma’ in Biblical Studies. But before I got enrolled in the Bible school, the Spirit of God used me in many capacities in Berean Baptist church: I served as youth’s director, deacon, and evangelist.
Also, while studying the Bible at YMBS, I met my wife, Marie, in Malakpolu Baptist Church in 2002. We got counseled by the late Rev. William E.A Farr and later were joined together in marriage on July 3, 2003. The Lord has since blessed our union with many children: Marline, Maron, Anna, Manoah, Martha, Ruth, Peters, and Savior. My wife got saved in 1992 by the help of the Spirit of God working through Deacon Moses Dolo of Malkpolu Baptist Church; and she got baptized on April 25, 1998.
While serving with Berean Baptist Church in Yila, the Lord had given us a burden to go somewhere else in Liberia to propagate the gospel of Jesus Christ. We prayed for the Lord’s direction in the matter. Following five years of prayer on the matter, the Lord directed us to New Testament Baptist Church of Kpelle, Paynesville, through the encouragement of Rev. Emmanuel Kollie. And currently, we serving as missionaries with Grace Baptist Church of Bong Mine, Lower Bong County, one of the churches planted by New Testament Baptist church in 2008.
* We are praying for the Lord’s provision of $1,000.00 to help us make doors, windows, and benches for the church building; and to plaster and paint the building to glory of our church.
*We are continually praying for monthly support $100.00 through the New Testament Baptist Church. It is not regular sometime because of the economic challenges in Liberia. We will be glad it is regularized by the assistance of some God-loving individuals, churches, or organizations.
*We are praying for the Lord’s provision of a motorbike to enhance my travels to the nearby communities for the preaching of the essential gospel. A new motorbike is cost $1500.00 in the Monrovia area. That amount includes the helmet, tools, and registration.
Jerusalem Independent Baptist Fellowship in Liberia
Pastor Moses & Betty Lakpor
I came to know Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior on July 23, 1983 in Lofa County through evangelist Matthew Gonpehn, an Inland Church preacher.
After I got saved, I began to fellowship with that church, and I was later appointed as the youth choir director at the age of fifteen. I served in this capacity in the church from 1983 to 1989. When the Liberian Civil Conflict broke out, I fled to Bong County which is my home county in Liberia.
Due to lack of Inland Church in my home, and knowing Baptist and Inland to be of the same biblical doctrines, I joined the Baptist Church in 1990 and began to fellowship with the Baptist Church and was elected as youth President in 1995. I directed the Youths from 1995 to 2011 at which time I was again elected as acting Pastor of U-Lah Faith Baptist Church where I felt my calling as a chosen one by God to serve in the gospel ministry of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. By the grace of God, I served the church from 2011-2016, and I told the church that I needed more biblical training in order to properly lead God’s people in His way.
By the directive of God, I received a call from Rev. Jesse W. Quapourlee to come and enroll in the New Testament Baptist Bible College to study God’s Word. I entered the college in May of 2016. While in the school, the Holy Spirit led me to evangelize with the community, Joezon, which I now live in. Lots of souls have been won to Christ, and we are congregating under the name – New Jerusalem Independent Baptist Church.
The newly established congregating undertaking the construction of a church building which is being helped by Pastor William Duncan of Georgia, USA.
*Please pray with me that God will use me to do His work according to His will in my life; I need patience, love of all people, and peace of mind, strength, good health and wisdom to lead God’s people.
*I also need prayers that God will also help me with transportation that will help me god distance in preaching His word.
*Family’s residential house,
*My family’s protection from the Evil one,
*And for the growth of the church
Good Shepherd Baptist Church of lower Johnsonville, Paynesville, Liberia
Pastor Abraham & Olive Kiawu
I was born unto the union of Mr. & Mrs. Kiawu in 1968, in a Muslim family. I was in a lost condition for years praying in the mosque without peace on my mind, until in 1983. On a Saturday afternoon, through one of my schoolmates, Walker, who introduced to me Jesus Christ from the Bible. After 2 hours of going through the Bible, I believed that Jesus Christ is the Savior of sinners; and therefore I trusted Him as personal Lord and Savior on that day. After my salvation, I quit going to the mosque to pray, and therefore my entire family started to hate me severely. However, their actions against me did not deter me, but I rather continued to attend a church that was not preaching the gospel and practicing the Scripture. But I have peace of mind that I was indeed saved from sins and hell fire forever through Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
One thing that carried me far away from God was the Liberian civil war happened, which lasted for 13 years. When the war erupted, I was captured, enlisted, and trained by the rebels generals to be one of their fighters. After the training, I actively participated in the war and fought on many battlefronts, but the Lord graciously protected and preserved me from death during those battles. I obtained many ranks on the battle field: First Sergeant, Captain, and General. During those days, my life was not shining for Jesus because I was heavily living to the pleasing of my fleshly desires. When the war subsided, and we got disarmed by the UN peacekeepers, and while sitting around a drinking table with my friends, Lord Jesus led Pastor Jesse Quapourlee to share the gospel with us. After his presentation, I got moved by the Holy Spirit to join his newly planted church (New Testament Baptist Church) in my community. He took his time to prayerfully disciple me in the doctrines of Christ; and I clearly understood Christ and the importance of my walk with Him. And therefore I surrounded my entire life to Christ’s service in 2003.
I sensed the call of God upon my life to go on the Gospel field, and therefore I entered the New Testament Baptist Bible College in 2011 and graduated in 2017 with a AA Degree in Biblical Studies. Presently I am planting the “Good Shepherd Baptist Church” which is located within the New Israel Community, Lower Johnsonville, Paynesville, Republic of Liberia.
The Lord blessed me with a beautiful wife, Olive, on July 20, 2018, and the both of us are serving the Lord together happily.
*The Lord has provided for us a lot of land for the construction of His house. SO please join us pray for His (The Lord) provisions of $2500.00USD to enable us construct the building.
*We are continually praying for monthly support $70.00 through the New Testament Baptist Church. It is not regular sometime because of the economic challenges in Liberia. We will be glad it is regularized through the donations of some God-loving individuals, churches, or organizations.
*We are praying for the Lord’s provision of a motorbike to enhance my travels to the nearby communities for the preaching of the essential gospel. A new motorbike is cost $1000.00 in the Monrovia area. That amount includes the helmet, tools, and registration.
Living Word Baptist Fellowship of Sackie Town of Monsterrado County, Liberia
Pastor Joseph and Tenneh Carter
My wife, Tenneh, and I are currently shepherding the Christ’s flocks at Living Word Baptist Fellowship of Sackie Town, Rural Monsterrado County.
My Mom and Dad did not know Jesus Christ as their Lord and personal Savior; therefore our family never went to church during my childhood days. I was sent to Monrovia to stay with one of my uncles in the Duala Community of Monrovia in the 1980. My uncle enrolled me in a mission school in same community; and from that school I heard about Christ Jesus. I became so impressed with story of how Mary, the mother of Jesus, bore him in a crib in Bethlehem of Judah; and how Jesus died for our sins on the Cross. Because I wanted to hear many stories from the Bible, every Sunday I joined a church (CC Church) in Monrovia. While in that church, I was still lost because the gospel was never preached by the Pastor. We heard all kinds of stories from him on pulpit every Sunday. And because I was regular in the church attendance, the church voted me in as one of the deacons in 1998 while even still in my lost condition. I was in this condition having the feeling that my good works will carry me to heaven until the Liberian civil war forced us to have migrated to my wife’s home, Sackie Town 2016. In this village, I met the late Pastor Matthew Quinahrisk who preached the gospel to me on several occasions, but I never understood its content until in 2016 when Rev. Jesse Quapourlee explained to us God’s plan of Salvation during one of their regular preaching tours in the village. During his preaching, I got extremely convicted by the Spirit of God of being a wicked sinner who desperately needed salvation from Jesus immediately. I, therefore, cried and confessed my sins to Jesus and asked Him to save my soul. From that moment, I received great relief of guilt for my sins.I got baptized after a few Sundays in January of 2017. Following that, I got voted in as the Deacon of the newly planted church. While serving in that post, I received a burden from the Lord to study His Word, and I therefore enrolled in New Testament Baptist Mobile Bible School in April of 2017 and graduated with a “Certificate in Bible Doctrines) in April of 2018. Following the death of Pastor Matthew Risks, I got licensed by the New Testament Baptist to service pastor for the Living Word Baptist Church.Praise be to God the Spirit that He is helping to lead God’s people in God’s Way. Lastly, the Lord has blessed our marriage union with four children.
*We are praying for the Lord’s provision of $US1500.00 to purchase one lot of land to construct the church building on it.
*We are continually praying for monthly support $100.00 through the New Testament Baptist Church. It is not regular sometime because of the economic challenges in Liberia. We will be glad it is regularized by the assistance of some God-loving individuals, churches, or organizations.
*We are praying for the Lord’s provision of a motorbike to enhance my travels to the nearby communities for the preaching of the essential gospel. A new motorbike is cost $1500.00 in the Monrovia area. That amount includes the helmet, tools, and registration.
Great Commission Baptist Church of Compound Margibi County
Pastor Samuel and Vivian Paye
I was dead in trespasses and sins, walking according to the course of this world, Ephesians 2:1-2. I was in contact with the gospel when I was in primary school, but did not give my life to Christ until 2010 when the Lord directed me to the New Testament Baptist Church, where I heard the glorious gospel preached by Rev. Jesse W. Quapourlee. I repented of my sins toward God and displayed faith in the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Since that time, I have been a born again Christian and have new life in Christ. I thank God that I’m justified by the precious blood of His Son and reconciled to Him by the death of his only begotten Son.
I went through a membership class and was subsequently baptized by Rev. Jesse by emersion and became a member of the New Testament Baptist Church. Due to my hard works and dedication in service of the Lord, I was elected by the church to serve as one of the deacons of the church in 2011. While serving in that position, the Lord placed a strong desire on my mind to study His Word. Every necessary fees were paid by him thanks be to God for him. And let the name of the Lord be magnified because he granted me life and strength to have graduated successfully from college on July 21, 2019. While studying at the Bible College, NTBC established a preaching point in compound II, Margibi County in March of 2015. The church found it prudent to send my wife and I as local missionaries to serve with the newly planted church in the same year. Great Commission Baptist Church is the name of the church. And we ever humbled and grateful to the Lord for using in His vineyard through the power of his eternal Holy Spirit.
*The church current pressing need is 16 church pews in meet the sitting need of the attendees.
Mercy Baptist Church of Gbah, Jacket, Bomi County, Liberia
Pastor Edwin S. and Cecelia Suloteh
I was born unto the union of Mr & Mrs. Sulontah on March 15, 1964 in Boto Town, Bong County, Republic of Liberia. I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and personal Savior in 1984 after one Deacon, Mulbah Farr, introduced Christ to me. After I got saved, I received believer's
baptism on December 7, 1977 in Emmanuel Baptist Church of Botota in Kokoyah District, Bong County, Liberia. After my baptism, I got involved in personal evangelism while serving the Lord in Emmanuel Baptist Church.The church voted me as one of their deacons. I served there for two years and after which time, I received a call from the Lord with a heavy burden to fully enter into the gospel ministry. I, then, answered the Lord’s call by getting enrolled at the Yila Bible Institute from where I received solid Bible training and earned a ‘Diploma’ in Biblical Studies in 2006.
After my Bible training, I was called by Bellehguala Baptist Fellowship in 2006 to be their pastor. I served in that position for three years ,and after which time, Emmanuel Baptist Church the mother church called me to serve as an assistant pastor. I served in that capacity from 2009 to 2012. I quit because I sensed a calling from the Holy Spirit to work with a mission-minded church to help in the planting of more new Bible-believing churches in Liberia. The Lord directed me to New Testament Baptist Church’s mission to serve alongside with them for the glory of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in Liberia.
Currently, I and my wife, Cecelia, are planting the Mercy Baptist Church of Gbah Jacket, Bomi County, Liberia under the sponsorship and direct supervision of New Testament Baptist Church of Monrovia. And thankfully we started the church in April of 2019 and the Holy Spirit is giving lots of increase to evangelistic efforts; and at current, we have 40 or more people regularly attending the church services.
*We are praying for the Lord’s provision of $US 1200.0 to purchase one lot of land to construct the church building on it.
*We are continually praying for monthly support $100.00 through the New Testament Baptist Church. It is not regular sometime because of the economic challenges in Liberia. We will be glad it is regularized by the assistance of some God-loving individuals, churches, or organizations.
*We are praying for the Lord’s provision of a motorbike to enhance my travels to the nearby communities for the preaching of the essential gospel. A new motorbike is cost $1500.00 in the Monrovia area. That amount includes the helmet, tools, and registration.
Good Samaritan Baptist Fellowship of Zannah Town, Monsterrado County, Liberia
Pastor Uranus and Jackie Nixon
In 1986, we have one church leader living very close to our village in Bong County. He used to have evening devotions with his children. We were invited one day to attend the devotion. During the service, I was convicted by the Holy Spirit right from the Word of god. The message was from John3:16 and Romans 3:23. After the message, I repented of my sins and trusted Christ as my Lord and personal Savior. I was happy that the Holy Spirit was now living in me. I was 12 years old when I received Christ as my Lord and Savior.
After I got saved, I was in church choir and the youth department. I was with the choir for a long time. After some years, we were invited for a training workshop that was purposely for pastors and their wives by the Independent Gospel Mission (IGM). After the workshop, I developed a burden to work for the Lord. When the church recognized that I have such a burden, they made me the Youth president. After serving in the post for some years, the church again elected me as one of the deacons and further appointed me as head of the church’s evangelism ministry. But, I always felt that I have more to do for the Lord that I am not doing now. I also went for training with the Global Training Network for two days; this time, we were studying Introduction to Theology. I had peace on my mind that day for understanding something about God our Father and
His purpose for mankind on earth. And the Holy Spirit let me know that it is good to learn more about God I love and serve.
The church made me Sunday school teacher; after some time, God was using me and I felt that God wanted me to do more for him. So I shared this with many leaders, some said we should pray about it. I was a deacon and Sunday school head of teachers. But my heart for the Lord was to do more for the Lord. One day, I shared this with Rev. Jesse Quapourlee, he told me that God wants me to work for him, but I need to meet him at the church. I met him as the New Testament Baptist Church where he showed me the Bible school. I was very happy to have seen a Bible school very close to me. So he led me to the Bible school. I was motivated when I started learning more about God and His word. My burden for the Lord’s work began to increase day by day with the help of the Holy Spirit. My understanding of the gospel continued to increase; I wanted to be preaching every day but I was just a deacon with not much to do in the church that I want to do. Rev. Jesse again took the evangelism team around at which time he added me to the team and they found place called Zannah Town Community. When we got there, I saw the place and I felt that the Holy Spirit wanted me to work for the Lord in this community. So, the New Testament Baptist church and the Mission board agreed to send me in this community for a mission to establish the church and reach lost souls for Christ. That made me feel like I have started working for the Lord, I have my heart settled to start the work. As we have been called by the Lord in Zannah Town to preach his gospel, we have planted a church called ‘Good Samaritans Baptist Church under the direct support and supervision of the New Testament Baptist Church/Mission.
*We are praying for the Lord’s provision of $3500.00 to help purchase an acre of land and to construct the church building in same amount. Therefore please join us to pray.
*We are continually praying for monthly support $100.00 through the New Testament Baptist Church. It is not regular sometime because of the economic challenges in Liberia. We will be glad it is regularized by the assistance of some God-loving individuals, churches, or organizations.
*We are praying for the Lord’s provision of a motorbike to enhance my travels to the nearby communities for the preaching of the essential gospel. A new motorbike is cost $1500.00 in the Monrovia area. That amount includes the helmet, tools, and registration.
Felela Baptist Church, Bong County, Liberia
Pastor Daniel & Maweei Gwelikporsohn
I was born unto the loving union of Mr. & Mrs. Gwelikposohn on December 12, 1952. My father was a polygamist who never knew Christ during his sojourn on planet earth. Because he did not know God, we were subjected to many forms of idols worship in our childhood’s days. Later in the 1970s, a prayer people church came to our village through one our father’s friends. He wholeheartedly embraced those prayer people church and asked all of us to join the church; and of course, we all obeyed him and joined the church where the gospel was never preached or heard at any time. There were lots of rituals practices practiced in the church. We offered prayers to the rivers, big trees in the village, and on sugarcanes farms, asking the gods to all allow the farms yield more fruits. But while practicing those rituals I never had peace of mind, because I was not saved yet! My spiritual condition remained the same until 1977. I went to visit some of my relatives living in Duataa, Bong County. Because my aunty who I was visiting with was a believer, I was focused to visit their church service on Sunday morning. I felt convicted during the message because the preaching from Romans 3:10-13, 23, how sinful we were and that we needed salvation from Jesus Christ of Nazareth. The message put me on fire, and I did not have rest in my soul until I stood up while the sermon was still being delivered, and asked the Pastor to help me get saved because I was one of the bad sinners on planet earth. I was then asked to sit down unto the sermon be over. After the message, the Pastor (Rev. Richard Flomo) led me to Christ. I received my believer’s baptism eight year later in 1983. After my baptism, Pastor Flomo discipled me properly. Then, I began to evangelize my village for Christ in 1984. And before my baptism, I got married to Maweei in 1983. And the Lord has since blessed our marriage with six children.
After I preached the gospel of Christ in many villages surrounding our village, I received a burden from the Lord to be properly trained for the gospel ministry that I have been called to. I, therefore, enrolled at the Mid-Liberia Baptist Bible Institute in Yila, Bong County in 1988 and later graduated in 1996. Ater my graduation, the Lord has strengthened me as an evangelist to preach the gospel and established Bible-believing churches in many towns and villages of Liberia: Baiyea Baptist Fellowship, Golimee Baptist Church, Jaiyea Baptist Fellowship, and Kpoyea Baptist Church. I am currently establishing the Feelala Baptist Church under the direct supervison of the New Testament Baptist Mission of Monrovia. The Lord gave me a burden to work with New Testament Baptist Church/Mission as one of their church planters in 2017.
*The newly planted church is facing persecution now because of her strong stand for the gospel of Grace and doctrines of Christ. Lots of threats are emerging from the traditional people (Zoes) of the town; therefore many of new converts are scaring away now. Even the deacon and his wife have taken refuge into another town. Please join us pray that Lord will protect and preserve the newly planted church.
*We are continually praying for monthly support $100.00 through the New Testament Baptist Church. It is not regular sometime because of the economic challenges in Liberia. We will be glad it is regularized by the assistance of some God-loving individuals, churches, or organizations.
*We are praying for the Lord’s provision of a motorbike to enhance my travels to the nearby communities for the preaching of the essential gospel. A new motorbike is cost $1500.00 in the Monrovia area. That amount includes the helmet, tools, and registration.
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